from import Pipeline
from import LogisticRegression
from import BinaryClassificationEvaluator
from import HashingTF, Tokenizer, IDF
from import CrossValidator, ParamGridBuilder
from pyspark.sql import Row, SQLContext

prepare training dataset from a list of (seq, class) tuples.

training = sqlContext.createDataFrame([
    ("atc tcg cga agc gcg", 1.0),
    ("aaa aat atg tgc", 0.0),
    ("tac act ctg tga", 1.0),
    ("aat atg tga gac acg", 0.0),
    ("ttg atc tcg cga gac", 1.0),
    ("atc tcg cga gac act", 0.0),
    ("aaa aat atc tca caa", 1.0),
    ("aaa aaa aaa aat atc", 0.0),
    ("ttc tcc tcg cga", 1.0),
    ("aat atc tcg cga gat", 0.0),
    ("atc tcg cga gaa aat", 1.0)], ["seq", "class"])
|                seq|class|
|atc tcg cga agc gcg|  1.0|
|    aaa aat atg tgc|  0.0|
|    tac act ctg tga|  1.0|
|aat atg tga gac acg|  0.0|
|ttg atc tcg cga gac|  1.0|
|atc tcg cga gac act|  0.0|
|aaa aat atc tca caa|  1.0|
|aaa aaa aaa aat atc|  0.0|
|    ttc tcc tcg cga|  1.0|
|aat atc tcg cga gat|  0.0|
|atc tcg cga gaa aat|  1.0|

Configure an ML pipeline, which consists of three stages:
- tokenizer - hashingTF - logisticRegression

Since we will combine these 3 stages as a pipeline, we can use .getOutputCol() function of the stage.

tokenizer = Tokenizer(inputCol="seq", outputCol="words")
hashingTF = HashingTF(inputCol=tokenizer.getOutputCol(), outputCol="features")
lr = LogisticRegression(labelCol="class", regParam)

Before making them as a pipeline, let’s take a look of each process.
First the tokennizer:

|                seq|class|               words|
|atc tcg cga agc gcg|  1.0|[atc, tcg, cga, a...|
|    aaa aat atg tgc|  0.0|[aaa, aat, atg, tgc]|
|    tac act ctg tga|  1.0|[tac, act, ctg, tga]|
|aat atg tga gac acg|  0.0|[aat, atg, tga, g...|
|ttg atc tcg cga gac|  1.0|[ttg, atc, tcg, c...|
|atc tcg cga gac act|  0.0|[atc, tcg, cga, g...|
|aaa aat atc tca caa|  1.0|[aaa, aat, atc, t...|
|aaa aaa aaa aat atc|  0.0|[aaa, aaa, aaa, a...|
|    ttc tcc tcg cga|  1.0|[ttc, tcc, tcg, cga]|
|aat atc tcg cga gat|  0.0|[aat, atc, tcg, c...|
|atc tcg cga gaa aat|  1.0|[atc, tcg, cga, g...|

We can see that we have added a new column called ‘words’, which store lists tokenized sequences.
The tokenlize is basically just python.split().

The second step, HashingTF()
Here is the result DataFrame

|                seq|class|               words|            features|
|atc tcg cga agc gcg|  1.0|[atc, tcg, cga, a...|(262144,[96509,96...|
|    aaa aat atg tgc|  0.0|[aaa, aat, atg, tgc]|(262144,[96321,96...|
|    tac act ctg tga|  1.0|[tac, act, ctg, tga]|(262144,[96402,98...|
|aat atg tga gac acg|  0.0|[aat, atg, tga, g...|(262144,[96340,96...|
|ttg atc tcg cga gac|  1.0|[ttg, atc, tcg, c...|(262144,[96912,98...|
|atc tcg cga gac act|  0.0|[atc, tcg, cga, g...|(262144,[96402,96...|
|aaa aat atc tca caa|  1.0|[aaa, aat, atc, t...|(262144,[96321,96...|
|aaa aaa aaa aat atc|  0.0|[aaa, aaa, aaa, a...|(262144,[96321,96...|
|    ttc tcc tcg cga|  1.0|[ttc, tcc, tcg, cga]|(262144,[98429,11...|
|aat atc tcg cga gat|  0.0|[aat, atc, tcg, c...|(262144,[96340,96...|
|atc tcg cga gaa aat|  1.0|[atc, tcg, cga, g...|(262144,[96340,96...|

We can see that the default numFeatures is 262144.
We did not set this parameter above.
Instead, we will try different numFeatures during gridsearch (tunning the model)

Time to pipe, put these 3 stages in a stage list and pass to a Pipeline function.

pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[tokenizer, hashingTF, lr])

Build up the parameter grid search process and specify hyperparameters for tunning the model.
We have 3 values for hashingTF.numFeatures and 3 values for lr.regParam,
therefore the gridsearch will search over 9(3X3) parameter settings with CrossValidation and choose the best according to the metrics we provided.

paraGrid = ParamGridBuilder().addGrid(
    hashingTF.numFeatures, [10, 100, 1000]
    lr.regParam, [0.1, 0.01, 0.001]

Put everything into a CrossValidator, and fit the model.
The default fold number is set to 3.

cv = CrossValidator(estimator=pipeline, estimatorParamMaps=paraGrid,\
                    evaluator=BinaryClassificationEvaluator(labelCol="class", metricName="areaUnderPR"),\
cv_model =

Extract the best model (among 9 models)

for stage in cv_model.bestModel.stages:
    print 'stage: {}'.format(stage)
    print stage.params
    print '\n'
stage: Tokenizer_46ffb9fac5968c6c152b
[Param(parent='Tokenizer_46ffb9fac5968c6c152b', name='inputCol', doc='input column name'), Param(parent='Tokenizer_46ffb9fac5968c6c152b', name='outputCol', doc='output column name')]

stage: HashingTF_40e1af3ba73764848d43
[Param(parent='HashingTF_40e1af3ba73764848d43', name='inputCol', doc='input column name'), Param(parent='HashingTF_40e1af3ba73764848d43', name='numFeatures', doc='number of features'), Param(parent='HashingTF_40e1af3ba73764848d43', name='outputCol', doc='output column name')]

stage: LogisticRegression_451b8c8dbef84ecab7a9

The above only shows the parameters we set up for each stage, however
1. the best parameter is not shown 2. strangely the parameter of the last stage, logisticRegression is not there??

other ways to access parameter from each stage.

DenseVector([-2.5361, -0.9541, 0.4124, 4.2108, 4.4707, 4.9451, -0.3045, 5.4348, -0.1977, -1.8361])

There should be a .getRegParam for stage2:logistic regression, just like we can get stage1.getNumFeatures.
But there is no


AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-222-0a5834b76a1c> in <module>()
----> 1 stage2.getNumFeatures

AttributeError: 'LogisticRegressionModel' object has no attribute 'getNumFeatures'

Prepare test set.

training = sqlContext.createDataFrame([
    ("atc tcg cga agc gcg", 1.0),
    ("aaa aat atg tgc", 0.0),
    ("tac act ctg tga", 1.0),
    ("aat atg tga gac acg", 0.0),
    ("ttg atc tcg cga gac", 1.0),
    ("atc tcg cga gac act", 0.0),
    ("aaa aat atc tca caa", 1.0),
    ("aaa aaa aaa aat atc", 0.0),
    ("ttc tcc tcg cga", 1.0),
    ("aat atc tcg cga gat", 0.0),
    ("atc tcg cga gaa aat", 1.0)], ["seq", "class"])
test = sqlContext.createDataFrame([
    ("atc tcg cgt gtt tta", 1.0),
    ("agg gga gac act", 0.0),
    ("atc tcg cga gaa", 1.0),
    ("atc tcc cca caa", 1.0)], ["seq", "class"])
|                seq|class|
|atc tcg cgt gtt tta|  1.0|
|    agg gga gac act|  0.0|
|    atc tcg cga gaa|  1.0|
|    atc tcc cca caa|  1.0|
# Make predictions on test documents. cvModel uses the best model found (lrModel).
prediction = cv_model.transform(test)
selected ='seq', 'probability', 'prediction')
|                seq|         probability|prediction|
|atc tcg cgt gtt tta|[0.08486620645810...|       1.0|
|    agg gga gac act|[0.01613786358370...|       1.0|
|    atc tcg cga gaa|[0.08150146351361...|       1.0|
|    atc tcc cca caa|[0.00211916464008...|       1.0|
|                seq|class|               words|            features|       rawPrediction|         probability|prediction|
|atc tcg cgt gtt tta|  1.0|[atc, tcg, cgt, g...|(10,[2,5,8,9],[1....|[-2.3779943023203...|[0.08486620645810...|       1.0|
|    agg gga gac act|  0.0|[agg, gga, gac, act]|(10,[2,3,9],[1.0,...|[-4.1103174956886...|[0.01613786358370...|       1.0|
|    atc tcg cga gaa|  1.0|[atc, tcg, cga, gaa]|(10,[2,7,8,9],[1....|[-2.4221193339725...|[0.08150146351361...|       1.0|
|    atc tcc cca caa|  1.0|[atc, tcc, cca, caa]|(10,[2,3,4,5],[1....|[-6.1546118924008...|[0.00211916464008...|       1.0|